Saturday 28 April 2012


By half 6 last night we were pacing the ward waiting for news on Con, he had been in theatre for over 7 hours but we were told no news is good news, the nurses told us to go get some fresh air and then I saw Cons surgeon walk through the doors, I panicked and ran to our room, rik asked me what was wrong - I started crying and said the surgeons only come up to give you bad news, like an idiot I said I've seen it in films. The surgeon came in, he had stains on his scrubs, rik calmly asked how it went. It's good news he said, I have removed about 95% of the tumour, he lost a lot a lot of blood so had to have 3 transfusions but it was not a worry for them. The tumour had leeched itself to cons left kidney they didn't need to remove it but it will most likely have limited function now, again they said that wasn't a worry. One of his lungs was slightly nicked during the surgery he said but it was stiched and should heal fine but they will be keeping a close eye on him. Rik and I just hugged, I was crying with relief, rik shook the surgeons hand and we were told the he would be in recovery soon. After an agonising 45 mins we were taken to him, we walked in to the recovery area and my legs went to jelly, I felt hot and thought I was going to be sick, con was stirring and attached to a lot of different machines, heart monitors, drips, a nose tube, a catheter, epidural IV, both his little hands had canulars in. The surgical team were talking us through the procedure, I felt really weird, hot, dizzy, and my feet looked really far away, I must of looked odd cos I was told to sit on the floor, but I was trying to ignore it, I've never fainted, but as they showed us his new scar I buckled, they had a chair under me and i put my head between my legs, my baby's belly had a fresh red raw line from one side of his belly to the other. It is now Saturday morning, we odviously didn't sleep well, top to tail on a crash mat style single bed, waking up suddenly whenever cons monitors bleeped. Con hardly stirred but the nurses were in to check on him regularly, he isn't in any pain, the epidural is working well. Con hasn't really woken up properly yet, so we are just sitting by his bed, he hasn't seen his scar, he knew he was gna have one but I'm still anxious how he will react to it. It has been the worst 24 hours EVER, its only competition was the day they found the tumour. I am trying to be positive, thinking of this as another huge hurdle that our amazing boy has sailed over but looking at his tiny body in bed, full of tubes, i just feel gutted, it is so unfair, he has been through so much and he isn't even 5. But good news is good news I am so very thankful that his op went well, that the baddie is almost all gone and the next bit of chemo and radiotherapy will get the last of it. Thank u all for your prayers Ella, Connor and Lola, we love u to the ends of the earth xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Brings back memories. I wish with all my heart another child never had to go through this. Lots of healing thoughts and prayers to Connor and buckets of strength to you, rik, ella & lola. Xxxxxxxx

  2. Well done to you all for getting through it, I really got a picture of how you felt seeing him, made me feel woosy just reading it, but so glad the surgeon managed to get so much of the tumour and that the surgeon's really positive about everything. You all must be exhausted, I'm so impressed with how well you're getting on with things. Lots of love, Lou xxx
